Chestnut Hill United Church: Where ALL are Welcome and Celebrated!

Chestnut Hill United Church is an Open and Affirming and Reconciling community. We welcome persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions into the full participation, life and ministry of this church.

Chestnut Hill United Church is a member of both the United Church of Christ Coalition for LGBT Concerns as well as the Reconciling Ministries Network of United Methodist Churches.

The UCC Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns provides support and sanctuary to all our queer siblings, their families and friends; advocates for their full inclusion in church and society; and brings Christ’s affirming message of love and justice for all people. The United Church of Christ Coalition for LBGT Concerns is officially recognized by the United Church of Christ as a related, self-created organization. 

The Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of The United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice. We celebrate that, as of April 2024, The United Methodist Church has finally removed harmful language and rules related to human sexuality and gender identity.

With more than 547 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in this year’s (2024) legislative session, our proactive response, now more than ever, needs to be love OUT LOUD. We’re proud to be part of the United Church of Christ’s Love is Louder campaign.  For more information go to:

Voting to become a Reconciling Congregation

By congregational vote and in explicit disagreement with what was then national church policy, Chestnut Hill United Church voted Sunday, March 10, 2002 to stand for full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons in the life of The United Methodist Church.

Capping a six month-long study of issues around faith and sexual orientation, the congregation voted by a wide margin to become what United Methodists call a “Reconciling Congregation.” This label is the self-designated name of United Methodist churches who take an official stand against the official United Methodist denominational positions which condemn homosexuality.

In 2001 and 2002, the congregation held 17 different events which examined this issue. This congregational study was ordered by the Church Council and included Bible studies on the subject of faith and sexual orientation, coffee hour discussions, adult Sunday School classes, film discussions, and age- and gender-specific gatherings of members.

“This study has actually brought us much more than clarity on the issue of faith and sexual orientation. It has also built important new levels of trust in the congregation.  We learned to talk with one another on a deeper level about other topics, because we took on this subject,” said Leslie Cheeseman, the chairperson of the congregational Reconciling Congregation Task Force.

“Since we already welcome people of all sexual orientations, some persons have wondered why we needed to take this official step to declare our welcome,” said Rev. Linda Noonan, one of the church’s pastors. “Our congregation felt this was necessary because of the United Methodist denomination’s stand against full lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender participation. This vote helps people understand that this particular congregation is a welcoming one.”

“Our local church is joining more than a hundred other United Methodist congregations across the country in stating its explicit welcome and support of gay and lesbian persons in all aspects of church life,” said Dr. Hal Taussig, the other pastor. “This includes advocacy for gay ordination, affirmation of services celebrating the sacred union of same sex couples, and the elimination of any intimation that homosexuality is a sin.”

“We believe that God loves persons of all sexual orientations equally. We see the history of discrimination against gays and lesbians in churches as a violation of this love of God. We hope that we and the larger United Methodist Church can continue to learn how to become free of the homophobia that has so long scarred both churches and gays and lesbians.” said Joy Bergey, the church’s lay leader.

Decision to become an Open and Affirming Church

In December of 2009, this congregation voted to affiliate with the United Church of Christ, while also retaining standing as a United Methodist congregation. Since 1985, the United Church of Christ has called upon its congregations to declare themselves Open and Affirming churches – affirming the full participation and ministry of people of all sexual orientations. In 2003 it added a resolution which extended that declaration to include persons who are transgender. As part of the United Church of Christ, we are proud to declare ourselves an Open and Affirming congregation.